Federal Report Card
Federal Report Cards for the state, district, and campuses are available on the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) website.
Each LEA that receives Title I, Part A funding is responsible for disseminating the State, LEA and campus-level report cards to all LEA campuses and parents of all enrolled students and making the information widely available through public means such as posting on the Internet, distribution to the media, or distribution through public agencies.
At a minimum, the LEA must -
- Post direct links to the State, LEA, and campus report cards on its web site;
- Notify parents of all students about the availability of the report cards and the options for obtaining them;
- Provide appropriate translation (either oral or written) upon request;
- Make hard copies available to parents upon request; and
- Make hard copies available for viewing in public locations.
LEAs must make the federal report card information readily accessible to the public and parents must be notified of the availability of the federal report card information no later than Monday, March 3, 2025.
TEA Website: Federal Report Cards
HSI-Carrollton Federal Report Card
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires each State education agency to prepare and publish an annual report card with state-, district- and campus-level data. Prior to 2013, the NCLB Report Card was published annually from 2009–12.
The 2023–24 State, Local Educational Agency (LEA), and campus Federal Report Cards are available. Contact Performance Reporting at to request a translated version of this report, or utilize the Google Translate function available via Google Chrome. Para solicitar una versión traducida de este informe, comuníquese con Performance Reporting en o utilice la función Google Translate disponible en Google Chrome.
For some LEAs and campuses, small data cells are masked in order to protect student confidentiality. When this is the case, the reports may display an asterisk (*) or a percentage preceded by a less than or greater than symbol (<1%).
LEAs may save the PDF files locally for posting on LEA/campus websites.